“Icons Will Discuss” offers a surreal and thought-provoking glimpse into an interior adorned with a captivating blend of iconic artworks and beloved cartoon characters. Within this imaginative composition, a dynamic dialogue unfolds as Louis Griffin, Spiderman, and Minions coexist with renowned artworks by artists like Takashi Murakami and Klimt. The presence of an ostrich in this eclectic space adds an element of surprise and intrigue, inviting viewers to contemplate the intersection of high art and popular culture. This papercut from the "Misplaced" collection challenges traditional boundaries and sparks a conversation about the power of artistic expression and its ability to transcend genres and mediums.
“Icons Will Discuss” offers a surreal and thought-provoking glimpse into an interior adorned with a captivating blend of iconic artworks and beloved cartoon characters. Within this imaginative composition, a dynamic dialogue unfolds as Louis Griffin, Spiderman, and Minions coexist with renowned artworks by artists like Takashi Murakami and Klimt. The presence of an ostrich in this eclectic space adds an element of surprise and intrigue, inviting viewers to contemplate the intersection of high art and popular culture. This papercut from the "Misplaced" collection challenges traditional boundaries and sparks a conversation about the power of artistic expression and its ability to transcend genres and mediums.
Originally from a small town in the south of Italy Angelo Accardi moved to Napoli to study fine arts at the Art Academy of Naples. Shortly after, in the early 90s, he set up his personal studio close to his childhood home to embark on his pursuit of painting and sculpture. In the course of his artis... Read More