“Not the Center” by Angelo Accardi is a mesmerizing original oil, acrylic, and ink painting that invites viewers into a surreal and thought-provoking world. At its core, the artwork challenges the notion of what takes center stage in our perception. Against a backdrop featuring Vermeer's iconic masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Earring," a symbol of artistic beauty and allure, an unexpected and whimsical element takes precedence: a purple ostrich. This striking juxtaposition challenges our conventional ways of seeing and prompts contemplation on the nature of attention, art, and what truly defines the center of our focus. Accardi's masterful blend of artistic elements creates a visually captivating and intellectually stimulating composition that encourages viewers to reconsider their perspective on significance and artistic interpretation.
“Not the Center” by Angelo Accardi is a mesmerizing original oil, acrylic, and ink painting that invites viewers into a surreal and thought-provoking world. At its core, the artwork challenges the notion of what takes center stage in our perception. Against a backdrop featuring Vermeer's iconic masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Earring," a symbol of artistic beauty and allure, an unexpected and whimsical element takes precedence: a purple ostrich. This striking juxtaposition challenges our conventional ways of seeing and prompts contemplation on the nature of attention, art, and what truly defines the center of our focus. Accardi's masterful blend of artistic elements creates a visually captivating and intellectually stimulating composition that encourages viewers to reconsider their perspective on significance and artistic interpretation.
Originally from a small town in the south of Italy Angelo Accardi moved to Napoli to study fine arts at the Art Academy of Naples. Shortly after, in the early 90s, he set up his personal studio close to his childhood home to embark on his pursuit of painting and sculpture. In the course of his artis... Read More